K.L.E Society's


HAVERI 581-110
Re-Accredited "A" Grade(CGPA - 3.13) by NAAC

Physics Department

About Department

Presently our department has six qualified and well experienced teaching staff members and Two menial staff. Prof T V. Chavan is the present Head of the Department.

  • In the year 1963-64 Physics subject was introduced as one of the minor subject.
  • In the year 1968-69 Physics was introduced as major subject.
  • In the year 1991 three subjects of equal importance was introduced.
  • In the year 2005-06 semester system was introduced.
  • In the year 2020-21 CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) is introduced.

Objectives of the Department

  • To Provide a broad spectrum of Physics to the students.

  • Emphasize the role of Physics in life and other disciplines.

  • Develop the ability of the students to conduct, observe, analyze and report an experiment.

  • Enhance intellectual, computational, experimental and analytical Skills of the students.

  • Enhance the ability of the students to seek, acquire and process data from different sources using the library and the internet.

  • Strengthen the students’ horizon of physics.

  • Encourage innovative work.


All Stream Results 2016-2020

Year       Total Appeared Distinction I Class II Class Pass Class Total Pass Passing %
2016-17 71 52 13 03 00 68 95.80%
2017-18 73 35 31 03 01 70 95.89%
2018-19 66 13 18 08 00 56 84.85%
2019-20 93 27 37 08 00 72 77.40%



Sl.No Title of the event   Date   No of participants
01 Workshop “ Career Guidance Programme” 18.3.2017 67
02 One Day Seminar “Current topics in Condensed Matter Physics” 28.2.2019 63
03 State level Workshop “Learn Science by doing experiments” 25.9.2019 82
04 National Level Webinar " Scientific Curiosity In Your Touch Screen Fingers” 13.6.2021 319

Certificate Courses

Sl.No Year       Title of certificate Course Duration of Course No. of Students enrolled
01 2018-19 “Basic Instruments and devices in Physics” 3 months 35
02 2019-20 “Basic Instruments and devices in Physics” 3 months 30

Other Reports

Guest lecture organized by the department

Sl.No Year       Name of the topic Name of the Resource person No. of Students
01 2016-17 “Superconductor” Prof. Divakar 55
02 2017-18 “The Nuclear detectors and Accelerators ” Prof.S.N.Tippanagoudar 69
03 2018-19 “Operational Amplifiers and Integrated Circuits” Dr. I.I.Pattanashetti 68
04 2019-20 “C-Programming” Prof. S.B.Patil 93

Faculty Profile:

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Designation
1 Sri T.V.Chavan
Associate Professor
2 Dr. M.S.Yaragop
M.Sc, Ph.D
Associate Professor
3 Dr. T. Rajeshwari
M.Sc, M.Phil, Ph.D
Assistant Professor
4 Miss. Pooja V Yeli
M.Sc, B.Ed
Assistant Professor
5 Kavita Parappanavar
Assistant Professor
6 Anupama V M
Assistant Professor


Office Superidendant, P.B.Road,
Haveri,Karnataka 581110,India

  08375 - 236824


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